Author Archives: Paul

Minimize laptop energy consumption – Maximize battery life

When running your laptop computer on solar power, you should adjust your power-saving settings in Windows or Linux in order to conserve power when plugged in the same as it does when running on battery power, because your solar power isn’t unlimited the way an AC outlet is. Most laptops waste a lot of energy when recharging their internal batteries, so  you’ll be most efficient with your limited solar energy if you keep the laptop plugged in and fully charged. However, keeping the battery constantly topped-off isn’t the best thing for the laptop battery. Continue reading

Solar Charging of LiFePO4 batteries

Compared to lead-acid batteries Lithium Iron Phosphate  (abbreviated LiFePO4 or just LFP) batteries are simple to charge and quite forgiving about voltage set points. You can use most “12-V” lead-acid solar charge controllers to charge a 12.8 V LFP battery. On those with adjustable settings, here are our recommendations for voltage set-points and why.
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Charging directly from a Solar Panel

Can I use a Solar panel to charge my phone or tablet?

solartecThere is a lot of interest in charging tablets and phones directly from a solar panel, without the expense of an external battery and charge controller. We’ve done some testing on a variety of phones and several tablets that charge over a micro-USB connector at 5 V to determine what is practical.
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